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(EPs Collection vol – 1)

Remastering of MERLIM, the debut EP by Merlim, released just during its first show on October 5, 1988. The CD includes the songs Ácido (“Acid”)Nenhum Céu (“No Haven”), Peixes (“Fish”) and Tribal, all written by Lion. Arrangements belong to the band in their first formation: Lion (vocals); Jax Molina (guitars); Zé Luiz Zambianchi (bass) and Junior Gaspari (drums). In this first work Merlim already showed characteristics that would remain throughout their career: the quality of lyrics, the weight of arrangements – which not even for that stop having a POP sound – and the overlapping of several electric guitar layers, sometimes using and abusing of microphonies and undefinable noises.



Nenhum Céu

